Income Access
Year founded:
Revenue Share

25% - 35%


Winfest Review

Affiliate program



Winfest Casino

Game Types

All, Casino, Casino - Live Dealer


Income Access

Terms & Conditions




Home Gaming Entertainment Limited



Pros & Cons

Sub affiliates commissions
Not very popular
Low minimum threshold
CPA Plan available
Editor Review
Alfredo Villalobos
March 24, 2022

Winfest affiliates is the official program for the promotion of Winfest Online Casino, by joining the program the affiliate can direct their traffic to the platform and start to monetize this traffic with nice earnings.

At this program the affiliate has an excellent support team, with faster payout times and no extra charges or hidden fees in the process. In addition to this they have a very good conversion rate, so if you are looking for an affiliate program to join then you can consider this one.

Commission details

The commission on “Revenue Share payment plan” is based on a percentage of base generated by "Affiliate's Real Money Players." The Affiliate is entitled to get a commission based on the specific payment plans assigned to the Affiliate's tracking system.

On the other hand, the affiliates can reach earnings up to 40% monthly in the following structure:


Revenues                   Commissions 

€0 - €5000                        25%

€15001 - €30000              35%

€5001 - €15000                30%

Over €30001                     40%



They offer a variety of CPA and Hybrid models at the moment to be discussed of sing-up with affiliate manager 

Carry over policy

Negative carry over balance is not transferred to the next month.

Sub Affiliates

The affiliates to the program can refer new affiliates via their unique sub-affiliate link, once an affiliate has signed up can refer new affiliate and earn an additional 5% commission on each of your referred sub-affiliates' monthly earnings which is the basic percentage in the industry.

Game Types

Winfest Casino has the best online table games. Your players can win big by playing classic casino games like Blackjack, Poker, Baccarat, Roulette and other classic casino games.

The Player also can enjoy their favorite table games in any way they want! their goal is to provide the players with the best casino experience possible.

The website can be accessed from all the available web browsers, so you can say the brand is fully mobile friendly.


Winfest online casino is operated by Home Gaming Entertainment Limited which is registered under the laws of the European Union member state of Malta. The brand can be displayed in German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and other languages.

Excluded Countries

For Winfest Casino the restricted territories are as follows: from Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, Russia, North Korea and other countries. The players from these countries are not allowed by any means to join or play in the casino.

Payment Methods

Winfest Affiliates pay through Bank Transfers only.

To get paid an invoice must be sent via email, the invoices are received until the 15th on the month, if an invoice is sent after the 15th will be paid in following month

For the payment to be made in any given month, a minimum of 50 Euros in commissions must be accumulated. If the affiliate hasn’t reached that level, then the earnings will be carried over to the next month.