Meet Adam Rowley who's the managing director at RavenTrack

I knew Adam would make a great guest because he's had immense experience in running affiliate sites and working closely with operators before his work at RavenTrack. It isn't often you meet someone that has experience in iGaming and affiliate marketing on the affiliate side, operator side and now a platform side. His unique experience gives him a vision of the industry that a lot of people don't always see.

In this episode we cover as many topics as we could but one theme dominated which is retention.

It lead to a few questions such as:

  • Why don't all operators take retention seriously?
  • What can affiliates do that would help retention?
  • Should our next hire be an affiliate manager or a data analyst?

There you have it, customer retention and player value is the key to this conversation and it is one that affiliates don't hear enough about. 

How to reach Adam Rowley

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