Meet Karl Hudson whom on the surface is a popular SEO pro that speaks at many conferences. I mean I knew he was an SEO expert but I didn't realize that his unique skillset is heavy on the technical SEO side. I already wanted him to be on the Affiliate BI podcast but I reached out as soon as I saw one of his posts on LinkedIn talking about how many SEO experts drastically overlook Google Search Console data. 

I've heard many top SEO experts tell me that they think GSC (Google Search Console) is all you need. I've had other guests on like Kyle Roof say similar things that GSC is very powerful and one of the most overlooked tools and skills that SEOs should focus on. 

As much as Karl Hudson is a technical SEO, I've included a discussion about personal branding and how the affiliate marketing game is changing today with respect to SEO. 

Where to get a hold of Karl Hudson

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