Jusi Viljannen Head of SEO at Bojoko

Bojoko, a leading iGaming affiliate, has reached a significant milestone in Q3 2024, achieving the most successful quarter in the company’s history. Over the last months, their UK website Bojoko.com more than doubled its organic traffic, which contributed to a dramatic increase in player engagement.

To delve into the strategies that fueled Bojoko’s success and how they plan to maintain this momentum, we spoke with Jussi Viljanen, Head of SEO at Bojoko. In this interview, Jussi shares key insights into their long-term SEO strategy, the importance of building a trusted brand, and what the future holds for the company.

Bojoko's growth over this last quarter has been the best in the company’s history. Can you tell us what you believe contributed to this incredible rise?

Our approach has always been long-term development. We firmly believe that if you do the right things consistently with quality and patience, you will eventually be rewarded. 

The main factor behind this growth is our focus on providing the highest-quality content for our users. I know this is a broad and vague statement, but if you can actually execute it, you will stand out.

For us, this means designing the content so that it provides more information and is current and updated regularly. We prioritize keeping everything on our site as current as possible, whether reviewing casinos, betting sites, and bingo platforms, updating bonus information, or ensuring our users have access to accurate, well-researched details.

This approach makes our content highly curative, and I believe that’s a big factor in our boost in search engines. They clearly value content that evolves and stays relevant, and this seems to be consistent across many industries right now.

The results speak for themselves—our traffic more than doubled, and this strong foundation allowed us to achieve record growth in Q3, including new registrations and first-time deposits doubling quarter to quarter.

The numbers are indeed impressive. What role do you think your brand plays in sustaining this level of growth?

Our brand has become one of our biggest assets, especially in an industry where trust is crucial. Search engines seem to recognize and reward that. Bojoko has been around long enough to build a history of reliability, and our presence in multiple countries and verticals strengthens our authority. 

We’re not just an affiliate site aggregating content—we’re a brand that users trust for guidance in their gaming decisions. This trust factor has been a key reason we’ve been able to maintain and even build on the recent traffic surge. Our Q3 growth reflects that, with commissions up 56.1% from the previous quarter and first-time depositors (FTDs) rising by 102.8%. It is clear that the more people discover Bojoko, the more people use Bojoko, and this, in turn, sends a wonderful circle of lovely signals to search engines.

With competition increasing, especially in the affiliate marketing space, many sites struggle. How has Bojoko managed to thrive in such a competitive environment?

It comes down to differentiation. We’ve always aimed to be more than just another affiliate site, and that’s been key to our success. Many sites fall into the trap of becoming “soulless” affiliates, simply aggregating information without adding value. We’ve taken the opposite approach. 

We’re transparent about who we are, who is responsible for the content, and who we work and partner with. I think you have already spoken with our Head of Marketing about this, but we have worked hard to create a community atmosphere where users can leave reviews, engage with our content, and trust that we’re giving them unbiased, helpful information. 

Perhaps importantly, in terms of user experience and journey, we are putting the player first through our quick filters and comparison tools. Our goal is to help players find the gambling sites that best suit their needs rather than push them down a specific path. 

This player-first approach has paid off in big ways. I think it is clear that search engines want to promote genuinely helpful websites that offer players real value, and this is one of the things I believe we have now been rewarded for.

How do you ensure that Bojoko continues to stay relevant as user expectations evolve?

Staying relevant requires us to be proactive. Rather than just reacting to algorithm changes, you need to stay ahead of the curve.

Therefore, we build our strategies with a long-term focus. In an industry that is one of the most competitive in the world, you have to excel in every area if you want to be at the top. That’s why we follow a more holistic approach and try to ensure that every area is in order.

Of course, we’re always monitoring industry trends and making data-driven decisions to keep us going. Our Q3 success results from this constant vigilance, and we’ll continue to focus on it as we move forward.

With Bojoko’s Q3 performance breaking records, what are your priorities for maintaining this momentum into Q4 and beyond?

Our focus for Q4 and beyond is on sustainability and growth. Rapid growth comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to scaling without sacrificing quality. As we continue to grow, one of our main challenges will be ensuring that we can maintain the level of trust and reliability that our users expect.

Another potential challenge is staying agile as the SEO landscape evolves. Algorithm updates can always bring surprises, and even if we got rewarded this time, it might go the other way next time. 

But with our strategy, we are quite confident that we are building something that can be sustained, and hopefully, we can keep building on that. 

By focusing on our core values—quality content, user trust, and brand authority—we’re well-positioned to overcome possible obstacles. Q3's success laid a solid foundation, and we’re excited about what lies ahead.