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The Affiliate BI podcast was launched in early August 2023 and the podcast is quickly getting noticed for affiliate marketing podcasts. The intention of this show was to pick a niche of something in affiliate marketing that isn't being discussed enough. It is the intersection of Business Intelligence in affiliate marketing that is being discussed at conferences, but not written about.

Until now that is. You can also follow the Affiliate BI company page along with this newsletter.

First 13 episodes of the affiliate marketing podcast

The first 13 guests feature numerous SEO specialists, a few affiliates, a few affiliate program product devs and some data course creators. 

Affiliate SEO Secrets with Matt Diggity

Matt Diggity is a thought leader in the SEO space. Actually there are many SEO thought leaders but Matt wears the honourable badge of being an affiliate marketer. He's not an ordinary affiliate marketer, he does B2B SEO as he has his own SEO agency and his own course on affiliate marketing called The Affiliate Lab.

You can learn more about our podcast recording with Matt on this post; quit your job for affiliate marketing

Chris Walker shares his B2B marketing experience into affiliate marketing

What does Chris Walker have to do with affiliate marketing? I didn't quite know other than I was a big fan of his podcast and teachings on B2B marketing, sales and personal branding. 

As it turns out, Chris Walker had a great take on affiliate marketing on this episode. Hee shared his thoughts on capturing demand and why affiliate sites are exactly that bucket in the pipeline.

I believe his concepts that he applies in B2B, personal brand building, podcasting and LinkedIn, are things that can be translated into the B2C space in affiliate marketing.

You can learn more on the episode, How to create and capture demand in affiliate marketing

Kyle Roof on making money with SEO

Well, that's why I make a lot of money.

Wait, what?

Kyle Roof actually went into detail of why he makes a lot of money. One of the key takeaways from this episode is finding low hanging fruit in your Google Search Console and finding your mid-ranking pages and give them an optimization boost.

Affiliate BI podcast, the fastest growing affiliate marketing podcast

When I created the Affiliate BI podcast, the intention wasn't to have the #1 affiliate marketing podcast but rather bring to light important topics in affiliate marketing. That being, deep conversations happening at conferences that were not getting written about. These conversations involved discussions on Business Intelligence and using data in a way to improve operational efficiency.

I simply noticed these discussions were drawing people in and making them more excited about an angle of the industry that we all were not aware of.

Kevin Hartman on data visualization

Kevin Hartman was the very first guest and halfway through the course of his that I took, I decided to ask him to be a guest. Kevin's course transformed the way I look at data and I gained immense value from it.

I go into detail about why I decided to take Kevin Hartman's data viz course. In short, the fundamentals of data viz are critical for helping people make better decisions and making them faster. Yes we have almost no education when it comes to this part of the business world.

Where to listen to Affiliate BI

If you made it this far, subscribe and follow the podcast but if you want to take it one step further then I have a request.

Leave a rating and review wherever you listen to your podcasts. As mentioned, I'm not trying to become the #1 affiliate marketing podcast but maybe, just maybe, it might happen by accident. This is something you can certainly influence.

There might not be too many affiliate marketing podcasts today so that likely makes us one of the fastest growing but I'd like to see what we can accomplish over the next few years of recordings. 

Where to listen