Meet James Oliver who's one of the co-founders of which is an SEO tool that helps affiliates do parasite SEO.

I started with the basics which is by asking James, 'what is parasite SEO'. 

As he explains, it is the process of using another 3rd party domain or site to have that content rank which gives you conversions or funnels some of that authority to your site.

The perfect example of this is having articles on LinkedIn Pulse, Quora, Reddit and other forums that rank high where your content can take up more of the SERPs. In a perfect world, your article would rank #1 for your keywords but they can't always do that. So you're leveraging other means of ranking for this content.

Is YouTube part of a parasite SEO strategy?

James thinks YouTube is an untapped platform for getting your content ranking. 

How to reach James

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