GemBet Review Site

In the iGaming industry, there are a variety of strategies to become a successful iGaming Affiliate.

Being an iGaming Affiliate is one of the safest ways to generate earnings, in fact it is considered that affiliate marketing and iGaming go side by side because of the positive results that people obtain.

What are affiliates? 

The iGaming Affiliate are those people or companies that have a platform or website to refer customers or readers to a service, in this case to online casino websites. 

Affiliates do not always need to have an account in the casino to which they are referring people, the only thing they have to do is to promote the casino.

Besides, it is important to be an affiliate to have knowledge of gambling and especially of iGaming.

How can I become an iGaming Affiliate?

To become an iGaming Affiliate it is not necessary to have a college degree but it is extremely important to have information about the iGaming industry so that the platform or website has a better chance of success, which could mean better results.

There is a large variety of options to become an iGaming Affiliate but for now we will talk about 'Review Sites'. 

Review Sites

One of the most recommended strategies for those who want to become an iGaming Affiliate is 'Review Sites' which is based on looking for sites that have reviews about affiliate programs.

However, the person can also directly check out a specific affiliate program by going directly to the casino's website. Among these programs is also GemBet's program which they can review directly on the site. Just to be clear we are talking not about the GemBet sportsbook and casino but sites like GemBet review that actually review the main site as an affiliate. 

Gembet Worldwide Casino

How to choose a good iGaming Affiliate System?

You can work directly with operators who already have an established affiliate program or you can choose an affiliate network. The question is: Is it better to work with operators or with an affiliate network?

On the one hand, working with operators can involve more work due to the fact that the person must deal with each one individually. One thing that can be an advantage of this is that commission rates are usually higher. 

However, affiliate networks usually prevent people from having to talk to each operator even though the incentives will be less because each person gets a share of the payout. It is best for beginners to start with an affiliate network.

In addition to evaluating the affiliate programs of the most attractive operators, it is necessary to establish the system with which you want to start, and for this you have to take this into consideration:

  • CPL: Cost Per Lead, also known as Pay Per Click (PPC), which is how much you get paid for each person who signs up using the affiliate website link. 
  • CPA: Cost Per Acquisition or Cost Per Action, this refers to the fact that the affiliate will get paid if their customer performs a specific action. In most casinos this applies to deposits.
  • Revenue Share: RevShare means that you will get a percentage of a player's lifetime winnings if they have signed up through a link from an affiliate website. 
  • Hybrid Deals: These offers combine a CPA or a CPL with a RevShare, which means that you earn from both systems. For example, you could get a CPA of $20/$20/£20 plus a 25% commission per player

Even though this review mentions affiliate systems, more research should be done on how each of these works for different operators, so that the best option can be chosen wisely.

Conclusion - Should I Become an iGaming Affiliate?

Certainly, becoming an iGaming Affiliate can have many benefits but before doing so it's important to read more about this topic by searching affiliate program review websites where you will find the advantages and disadvantages of each affiliate program.

In addition to reviewing the programs, you should also look for more information about the systems to have a better perspective and make the right decision when you start in the world of affiliates. 

Even if you are going to start from the beginning, with perseverance you can obtain great profits in a short time. It is also important to make good connections to have more opportunities for growth.